We realized as we entered that empty nester stage in our late 40s that we were bored with our life and had little left in common after spending years with our focus on making money to raise the kids. Retirement had always been a nebulous thing that looked something like a little house on a golf course, and a nice trip somewhere exciting once a year. All of sudden we found that it just didn't sound fun anymore, and if retirement wasn't going to be fun, well then, what were we working for?
There began the journey, first we had to figure out if the two us us could find a life that would be fun and fulfilling for us together, or if it was time to do the empty nest divorce route that we have seen in so many friends. We had to figure out when we would be able to afford such a life if we could find it, and we had to figure how to get from where we were to where we wanted to go. Not so simple anymore.....